✧❀ welcome ❀✧

Welcome to my official website! Here you can find my portfolio gallery, shop, and places to find me! Enjoy your stay! 🍄🌈

✿𐀔About Me 𐀔✿

Hollipolliyozza, or otherwise known as HollieAnna D'Ercole,is a vividly vivid illustrator who draws trippy rainbowcore artwork of elemental character design and butterflies. Currently Hollie studies at Full Sail University for computer animation with a dream to be an illustrator creating her own books and series. She is also known for her head full of curly hair and her curly haired characters. Hollie's artwork stands for diversity and individuality while showing that it is a beautiful thing to be your most colorful self. Another message she stands by is to let your wings flutter to your destiny, no matter how big or small your wings may be.

A:I'd call my style surreal kidcore since my artwork often depicts odd characters with colors that may remind people of being a kid again. I try to make people feel nostalgic through my drawings as if they are looking at something from the 90's or the 00s, the era I came from.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do you call your style of art?

Q: Who inspired your art?

A: Michael Jackson was the main inspiration of my line art style and how I draw people. Currently I am inspired by surreal artists such as Melanie Martinez, Bjork, Vladimir Kush, and a few others.

My shop is ran through Instagram on threadless, and artist dot com. I sell art prints, shirts, hoodies, and more through these sites. If you would like a custom art print/commission we can discuss it through Instagram DM or through my email, [email protected].